Seborrheic dermatitis is a common red, scaly, itchy rash that develops in areas of the skin rich in oil glands, such as the scalp, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, eyelids, and middle of the chest. Other areas, such as the navel (belly button), buttocks, underarms, breasts, and groin, may be involved.
Seborrheic dermatitis is chronic and relapsing, worsening during seasonal changes and at times of stress. It may be socially embarrassing, especially because of the scaling scalp, which may be perceived as uncleanliness.


These small growths are caused by a germ (virus) and can be transmitted from one person to another. Also, scratching a wart and 
then putting the same finger on another part of the body can transfer the disease to that body part as well. These warts can be easily treated by burning with extreme heat or cold using special devices in your skin specialist�s clinic. Self medication by burning them with acids or picking at them can leave unsightly marks and even spread the disease.


Head lice can cause severe itching in the head and is an extremely common problem in school going children. If commonly available remedies like combing hair with a very fine comb after shampooing with anti-lice shampoo do not work, a dermatologist may be consulted.


These light colored spots are NOT caused by Calcium deficiency. It is a form of eczema and can be easily treated by your skin specialist. Avoiding the sun following the treatment may help lighten the surrounding skin thereby making the spots less visible during the recovery period. It usually takes a few months to regain the color in these spots after the treatment.


These markedly white spots are not caused by drinking milk with fish. Sour food or Vitamin-C does not cause leukoderma. These are the common myths spread by non qualified medical practitioners. In fact every human being has an immune system (body defense system) to fight off infections caused by germs. Sometimes this defense system starts working against the cells which produce the skin color. These cells are called melanocytes (pronounced as MAY-LANO-SITE). In the beginning of the disease, the defense system just paralyzes the melanocytes and they stop making the color. At this stage they can be salvaged with the proper treatment. If not treated early, the defense system can permanently damage these cells, making the treatment difficult. The treatment usually consists of medicated creams, treatment with ultraviolet light in your dermatologist�s clinic, and sometimes oral medications with ultraviolet light. If no improvement occurs, a latest treatment called �Melanocyte Transplant� is now available in Pakistan. In this treatment the color producing cells are transferred from the normal skin to the white spots, where they start producing the skin color.


This can be easily prevented by avoiding harsh sun and staying in the shade. Different sun blocks with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 35 or more and UVA UVB protection, along with physical protection with clothing, hats and umbrellas can prevent uneven skin tone. Remember, the intense and prolonged sun exposure can darken the skin and make the skin older looking sooner. Normal exposure to the sun is necessary for Vitamin-D production in the body. So try to avoid the direct sun between 10 am and 4 pm when the harmful rays of the sun are at their peak.


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